Is it always positive to think positively? I've learned that it may not always so.
As a child, I used to think that I’m quite optimistic and naïve. I tended to think that other people would have similar – if not the same – way of thinking; and that everybody’s living in their own perfect world. Thus I would always think positively and see the good sides in them.
And that’s exactly how I got into trouble.
People would see me as a nice and kind person. Sometimes even too kind and others would take advantage of me. As I got older I learned it the hard way that not all people are kind. In fact there are many bad people out there.
Having those positive and optimist thoughts, I had to face disappointments from families, friends and special someone. It turned out to me that they are not all as perfect or true to me. I also learned that not all people likes you and that’s fine. You don’t need to like them all, too. It’s really okay to make mistake(s) as long as you learn some positive outcome from it.
So I guess what I’m trying to say is that being positive is important but more important is to be cautious and considerate in everything you do. This can only be done if you keep opening up your heart and mind, and never stop learning to broaden your horizons and knowledge and be wiser in making judgments.